Missing the Point on Global Warming

The awful sad thing is this: global warming exists but only in the educated realm. I went to university several years ago- and global warming science courses were offered to all students- and began in introductory levels and then went to advanced levels. The truth is, global warming in the educated and science community is not a debate. When one takes these courses in an education setting, one does not learn about the politics or religions surrounding the public debate- one learns exactly what global warming is and the research behind it- just straight science and numbers.

And these courses have been offered and have been going on before Gore, or the UN finally got on the ball. Thus, my message is that it is not a new issue nor a celebrity issue as we have seen.

Its just sad, yes sad, that those who decide to engage in college level and beyond education are the ones that understand this- while 70% of the American public are not college educated get to vote and voice against an issue in which they do not understand for lack of education.

Think twice people, not everything is a conspiracy. And personally, I do not see why its not just cause and effect for the skeptics. Dont people understand that if you put crap and chemicals into your body, your body suffers? You get sick? Why would that not be true for our environment? And granted, that is just a basic level argument, but truly, then how would mass production, waste, and chemicals not harm our land, ecosystems, and yes kids, the ozone layer?

Think. Educate. Stop arguing. Because truly, is being right, just for the sake of being right, worth making your great-great-great grandchildren sick or not having the backyard you once had? I implore all to look further.

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Jan 08, 2013
by: Anonymous

This is here they teach evolution with numbers and graphs and this is where I became an atheist. Ya, college is great. I feel so sorry for the uneducated who put there whole heart and trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they need to be educated to fix them of that, just like I was until Jesus woke me up with his truth and education out of his perfect word in the King James Bible.

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