Flat Earth Proof For Anyone on Vancouver Island or in Washington State

by Kristopher Moffatt
(Victoria, BC, Canada)

A Picture of Mile 0 to Port Angeles with LOS marker

A Picture of Mile 0 to Port Angeles with LOS marker

One must get a partner to go across to Port Angeles beach with a 8" tall flag and place it at the water line of the beach, and then get themselves to Mile 0 beach with a telescope placed 8" above the water, and you will be able to see your friend and his flag. Flat Earth proof for any Victorian to see with their own eyes. 23 miles of distance between the two observers would cause anything under 320.99 feet to be hidden by the horizon. I have been to that beach on many occasions in all forms of weather, and the beach and waterline themselves are visible with the naked eye; this telescope experiment is simply to prove with accuracy.

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Mar 18, 2017
I live on the Port Angeles side
by: Anonymous

Would love to set up an experiment to teach kiddos on a family outing! Anyone game and have a powerful enough telescope or spotter scope? I have a purple laser to catch attention of observer! And a flag too!

Jan 23, 2017
I live in the island to
by: Anonymous

I'd be happy to meet. I've just started looking into flat earth and am very intrigued.

Jan 14, 2017
Reason for 8"
by: Anonymous

I think the reason he said an 8" flag was because the earth should curve by 8" per mile squared. So there should be no way he should see it from across the water at that distance.

Jan 05, 2017
Inches " Or feet ' ?
by: Anonymous

Is there any reason why you are suggesting the flag be 8 inches above the water? Or did you mean 8 feet? If so why not be comfortable ans agree on five feet above the water. I'm in Victoria. Wish I knew someone on the pt Angeles side to do this with.

Aug 11, 2016
As a Victoria born...
by: They lie

I too can concur with the beach to beach visibility. I was born and raised in Victoria and have seen this all my life.

Now I live in Parksville, are there any other flat Earthers out this way? Would like to meet up with like minded for beer, wine and flat earth discussions.

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