ferrybridge c power station

by Steve
(Bradford, England)

I live in bradford and from my window i can see Ferrybridge C power station cooling towers. The height of the towers are 375ft, the approx distance from my house to the station is 30mile ( i do not know the exact distance as the crow flies but using a route planner ). i can see the full height of the towers ( with binoculars ). According to google the drop of the earth due to curvature at 20 mile is 277 ft and at 30 miles it is 600ft. So even if i took the distance of 20mile which i know it to be greater than that distance, then i should only see the top of the towers at best.

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Dec 29, 2016
Re: Bradford
by: Anonymous

Bradford is a W. Yorks. Pennine Hills' town, with a quoted altitude above MSL of 144m, but he's not explicit where in Bradford he is. The variance throughout the environs is significant.

Ferrybridge C Power Station is next to the M62, the A1(M), and the River Aire near Pontefract, W. Yorks., and has a quoted altitude above MSL of 19.78m

Based just on the data we have, we can see that Bradford is higher in altitude than Ferrybridge C Power Station by 124.22m

Using Google Earth's Ruler Tool shows the distance from the centre of Bradford to teh power station is almost exactly 20 miles, so he's overestimated the distance to by using Routefinder.

Plugging these values into the "Ft/M Hidden Calc" shows 18.77ft of an object at sea level should be hidden, but it's not at sea level. It's at 19.78m, so you'd expect to be able to see all of it.

Aug 07, 2016
Elevation affects horizon line
by: Anonymous

What's the elevation of your house and of the base of the towers? Have you actually gone to the towers to confirm that you're seeing the very bottom? If both of you are at sea level, and if you really are seeing the bottom, and if this is something you can always see on a clear day, that would be unusual, but I'd bet my life savings that not all of those things are true.

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